Articles And Tips For Your Beloved Cat

Meow, Meow
Why Is My Cat Pooping Outside the Litter Box?

Why Is My Cat Pooping Outside the Litter Box?

Key Takeaways Health problems can cause litter box avoidance. Environmental changes may trigger litter box issues. Regular maintenance and location choice are crucial for litter box use. Pet owners can be perplexed and frustrated when a cat chooses to eliminate...

Can You Flush Cat Litter?

Can You Flush Cat Litter?

Key Takeaways Flushing cat litter may lead to plumbing issues and environmental pollution. Health risks could arise due to potential pathogens in cat waste. Local regulations may dictate acceptable disposal methods of cat litter. Most cat owners are familiar with...

How often do you need to change cat litter?

How often do you need to change cat litter?

Key Takeaways Appropriate litter maintenance ensures a sanitary environment for cats. Litter type and cat behavior influence cleaning frequency. Regular cleaning helps prevent health and behavioral issues. Maintaining a clean and odor-free environment for your feline...

How to Dispose of Cat Litter -Eco-Friendly Methods

How to Dispose of Cat Litter -Eco-Friendly Methods

Key Takeaways Proper disposal of cat litter involves understanding the type of litter and following the correct methods. Biodegradable options offer environmental benefits but require specific disposal conditions. Community regulations and health implications are...

An Essential Guide to Keeping Pets Safe from Pests

An Essential Guide to Keeping Pets Safe from Pests

Whether you have a loyal pup wagging its tail at your feet or a furry feline snuggled up on your lap, one thing is for sure - pets bring joy and companionship into our lives. We must ensure their safety and well-being as much as we love them. That's why, in this blog...

How to create a safe room for your cat

How to create a safe room for your cat

Cats need their own space to call their own. They are very territorial and often mark objects and spots they believe are theirs. This is why a safe room or area for your cat is needed in your home. If you're a new cat parent or you're about to be, then this guide will...

How to keep your cat from running out the door

How to keep your cat from running out the door

Indoor cats are notorious for dashing out the front door and zooming their way outdoors. While it's healthy for cats to explore and spend time outdoors, it's not always the safest place for them to be. Aside from busy streets and the possibility of other animals...

6 Ways to stop your cat from scratching the door

6 Ways to stop your cat from scratching the door

Is your cat always scratching your door? The behavior is more than just annoying; it's also destructive. If you find your cat doing this behavior more often than you'd like, then it's time to do something about it. Fortunately, there are simple and inexpensive ways...

Can cats eat catnip?

Can cats eat catnip?

Are you a new cat parent? If you are, then you're probably wondering about catnip. It's available in most pet stores and recommended by vets to help ease anxiety and even pain. But what is catnip, and will your cat need it? And more importantly, is it safe for cats to...

Why is your cat lying in the litter box?

Why is your cat lying in the litter box?

A litter box is a place where your cat does its business, so when you find your kitty peacefully lying inside it, you might think there’s something wrong. There are several reasons why your cat may be lying in the litter box, and some of the reasons may be causes for...

Can cats eat apples?

Can cats eat apples?

Apples are popular late summer and early fall staples, and during these times of the year, it's common to see the fruit everywhere. If you see your pet kitty reaching out for a bite or if you want to give an apple as a treat for your feline friend, you might want to...

Can cats eat blueberries?

Can cats eat blueberries?

Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, they can! If you've been wondering whether it's safe to feed your cat a berry or two, then the answer is yes, cats can eat blueberries but in small amounts. Cats can be picky eaters, and certain food items can also be toxic for them to...

Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Watering?

Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Watering?

A variety of reasons cause watery eyes in cats. Like humans, a cat can react to allergens, or it could also signify something more serious. If you're worried about your cat's watery eyes, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll take a look at some...

How much wet food to feed a cat every day

How much wet food to feed a cat every day

If you're a new cat parent or trying to change your cat's food, one of the biggest questions you might have is how much wet food to feed your cat. Ideally, your cat's diet should consist of 100% wet food, but this might be impossible for many cat owners, and...

Is clay litter bad for cats? The truth about clay litter

Is clay litter bad for cats? The truth about clay litter

For a long time, cat clay litter was the norm. It's cheap, readily available, and effectively does its job. Unfortunately, vets and cat parents have discovered over the years that cat clay litter causes a host of health problems for our feline friends. And that's not...

How to stop my cat from bullying my other cat?

How to stop my cat from bullying my other cat?

Cats don't always get along. If you have more than one cat at home, you might notice when one cat is bullying or fighting the other cat. This may happen occasionally, but if you see incidents becoming more and more frequent, it may be a sign of one cat bullying...

How To Litter Train a Kitten?

How To Litter Train a Kitten?

One of the first questions new cat parents have in mind when they adopt is how to litter train a kitten. While this may seem daunting, new cat parents don't need to worry as these pets naturally have clean bathroom habits. However, if you've never had a kitty for a...

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Clear Liquid?

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Clear Liquid?

If your cat threw up clear liquid before, you might be wondering whether or not this is normal. A vomiting kitty may be normal for many cases, such as coughing up a hairball or vomiting clear liquid after drinking too much water. However, there are also special cases...

Cat Siblings: What Do I Need to Know?

Cat Siblings: What Do I Need to Know?

Two is always better than one. So if you are looking to adopt a kitty, why not get another one with it? If you are looking to get two kittens from the same litter, there are a couple of things you need to know. Littermates Are Important During Kittenhood Kittens from...

Guide: Do Cats Get Headaches?

Guide: Do Cats Get Headaches?

Have you ever wondered if cats can have a headache? Do our feline friends experience moodiness the same way as we do? Let’s talk about cats and what you can do if your pet starts behaving strangely. What Is a Headache and Different Types? Headache is a term used to...

Can Cats Eat Dog Food

Can Cats Eat Dog Food

There are many people out there that own both a cat and a dog (or more). The question here is whether their food is the same, and what would happen if a cat ate dog food? Is this safe for your kitty, or is it something you should stop as soon as you notice? Let’s talk...

What Does Cat Poop Look Like?

What Does Cat Poop Look Like?

The question has been puzzling humanity for ages. It is one of the biggest mysteries of our time — what does cat poop look like? Of course, those who own a cat probably know the answer, but for everyone else, this is something that needs to be addressed. As we all...

How To Stop Cat From Waking Me Up At Night

How To Stop Cat From Waking Me Up At Night

Does your cat allow you to sleep through the night? In this article, we will learn how to stop your furry friend from awakening you at night! Do you find that your cat is constantly waking you up at night to play with her, to lobby for food, or to cuddle you when you...

Why does my cat bite me unprovoked

Why does my cat bite me unprovoked

Why does my pet cat bite me unprovoked? Five Reasons Your Cat Bites You Unprovoked It's not a secret that cats try to grab our attention. Your little kittens will bite you because they have fangs. You might be able to see the real reason your cat is biting and what...

Why Do Cats Like Boxes

Why Do Cats Like Boxes

Have you noticed when you bring in a new package with a cardboard box, your cat immediately jumps on the box, starts playing with it, chewing it, or hiding inside? Well, it turns out, as you probably already know, cats love boxes. Even when you buy your cat a new toy...

How long can a cat stay in a crate?

How long can a cat stay in a crate?

If you’re wondering whether or not it’s okay for your cat to stay inside a crate, don’t worry. It’s completely fine to place your cat in a crate or carrier at times. However, there are several things you need to consider when you place your cat inside a crate. These...

How Long Can Cats Hold Their Pee?

How Long Can Cats Hold Their Pee?

If you’re a new cat owner, there may be a few things you need to know so you can provide a proper home and healthy environment for your pet kitty. While food, sleeping area, and litter box are some of the most important things you need to take care of, your kitty’s...

Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

Can Cats Eat Watermelon?

Watermelon is one of those fruits that are great to eat in the summer. They’re refreshing, sweet, and provide a pleasing slushy texture. While humans love eating watermelon for its refreshing palate-cleansing property, do cats love to eat them? Watermelon is meant to...

Can cats eat raw salmon

Can cats eat raw salmon

Images of cats eating fish abound, which can make people think that fish is the best food for a cat’s diet. While it’s true that our feline friends do go on a frenzy when they smell the scent of fish, it may not always be a great idea to give her what she wants, when...

Why Do Cats Like to Play with Toilet Paper?

Why Do Cats Like to Play with Toilet Paper?

So you need to do Number Two, and the moment you open the bathroom door, Yikes! Your toilet paper is all over the bathroom floor, torn to pieces and under it all is your beloved pet kitty.You gasp in annoyance and shriek to your cat’s dismay. And now, you don’t even...

Is It Okay for Cats to Eat Bugs?

Is It Okay for Cats to Eat Bugs?

Cats love to chase and when they see something moving, chances are, it always catches their attention. And this includes bugs, such as flies, bees, and even cockroaches. You see them chasing after these bugs, playing with them, and sometimes, even eating them. When...

Can Cats Eat Bananas? And Why Not…

Can Cats Eat Bananas? And Why Not…

Bananas are nutritious and tasty and it would be a shame if our cats don’t get a taste of it. But hold on, should you feed your cat bananas? When you’re eating a banana and your cat’s adorable eyes are begging you for a nibble, should you give in? Bananas are packed...

Can Cats Eat Potatoes? Are They Healthy And Safe?

Can Cats Eat Potatoes? Are They Healthy And Safe?

As a pet parent, you always have to make sure that what you’re feeding your cat is safe and healthy. Cats have highly sensitive stomachs, and many kinds of food are dangerous for them to eat. Potatoes are one of the most common food staples in a kitchen, be it in a...

Can Cats Eat Bread

Can Cats Eat Bread

Bread is a common food staple in many households. We love eating it for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. It’s tasty, filling, and smells great. So why wouldn’t we want to feed it to our cats?But the question is, should you? Should you give your pet kitty a bite...

Can Cats Eat Eggs – Good or Bad

Can Cats Eat Eggs – Good or Bad

Cats are obligate carnivores and if you’re thinking of adding variety to your cat’s commercial food diet, then you might be wondering what kinds of human food would be a great cat treat. One of the best sources of protein for humans are eggs. They’re easy to cook,...

Can Cats Eat Chocolate? Is it Toxic…

Can Cats Eat Chocolate? Is it Toxic…

Humans love chocolate and chances are, every household has some form of chocolate in the kitchen, pantry, or fridge. Be it a chocolate drink, chocolate chips, chocolate bar, or chocolate cookies.It is common for dogs to devour all kinds of food, chocolate included,...

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

There may be times when you want your cat to take a break from eating commercial cat food. In such instances, giving her human foods as treats may be a good idea. The occasional crackers, or maybe a slice of banana, or a bite of a strawberry maybe what we have in mind...

Can Cats Eat Grapes?

Can Cats Eat Grapes?

Grapes are healthy snacks for humans and they bring about a healthy dose of nutrients and health benefits. One of which is lowering blood sugar levels, providing the body with Vitamins C and K, and providing antioxidant properties. Pet parents love giving their...

Can Cats Eat Rice?

Can Cats Eat Rice?

Rice is a staple in most households. It’s cheap, it’s easy to store, and pretty much compatible with other food items. As cat parents, it’s tempting to feed our cats with human foods that we enjoy ourselves. So the question is, can cats eat rice? The answer to this is...

Can Cats Have Turmeric?

Can Cats Have Turmeric?

Turmeric is a super spice that’s being used in many applications such as in cooking and herbal medicine. Also known as “yellow root,” or “golden spice,” it is one of the oldest spices in the world and used for thousands of years in Indian and Chinese medicine. In...

Can Cats Eat Pasta? Is Spaghetti Safe For Cats?

Can Cats Eat Pasta? Is Spaghetti Safe For Cats?

It’s quite tempting to feed our cats food that we ourselves love. Spaghetti is one of America's most favorite comfort foods and in fact, spaghetti is a common staple in every household's weekly diet. But can we feed it to our cats? Is it safe for them to eat? What...

Can Cats Eat Cheese? A Full Guide

Can Cats Eat Cheese? A Full Guide

Cats love cheese. They’re soft, delicious, and pack a punch with just a small bite. But are they safe for cats? You add them to your sandwich, put them in salads, and pair them with wine and crackers. If you have a feline friend hanging around, the natural tendency...

Can Cats Eat Peanuts? Are Peanuts Safe For Cats?

Can Cats Eat Peanuts? Are Peanuts Safe For Cats?

Peanuts are a regular staple in anyone’s pantry.  It’s the most common nut in the human diet, and in fact, peanuts amount for more than ⅔ of all nut consumption in the US. While you may occasionally munch on peanuts as a snack, or as an ingredient to salads and other...

Can Cats Eat Bacon? Facts

Can Cats Eat Bacon? Facts

Unless you’re a vegetarian or vegan, chances are, you have bacon at home.  These delicious strips of pork meat taken from the belly of a pig are crunchy and scrumptious, and anyone who eats bacon would definitely have a smile on their face. But about your cat?  Is it...

Why is My Cat Peeing On My Bed & How to STOP it!

Why is My Cat Peeing On My Bed & How to STOP it!

We love our pets but sometimes, they do display unpleasant behavior that makes us want to scream. One of these behaviors is peeing on your bed. Though not all cats do this, there are plenty of feline friends that do. So why do they do this and how can you stop it? The...

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Are you a new cat parent? Or maybe you’ve owned cats for a while now and have always wondered why they sleep so much? Then you’re about to find out. Our feline friends are the masters of sleeping at any time, any place, and under any circumstance. In fact, they sleep...

Everything You Need to Know About Cats and Weed

Everything You Need to Know About Cats and Weed

If you use marijuana as medication or for recreation, have you ever wondered how your cat responds to it? If you smoke or vape weed and have your cat around, do you have an idea of how the smoke affects your pet kitty? As cat owners, it is our responsibility to make...

Are Essential Oils Safe for Cats?

Are Essential Oils Safe for Cats?

Essential oils are all the rage today due to their alleged health benefits. They’re used in a multitude of applications, from aromatherapy to topical applications, household items, personal care products, and even cosmetics.If you have pets, you might be curious as to...

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