Can cats eat catnip?

Can cats eat catnip?

Are you a new cat parent? If you are, then you’re probably wondering about catnip. It’s available in most pet stores and recommended by vets to help ease anxiety and even pain. But what is catnip, and will your cat need it? And more importantly, is it safe...
Why is your cat lying in the litter box?

Why is your cat lying in the litter box?

A litter box is a place where your cat does its business, so when you find your kitty peacefully lying inside it, you might think there’s something wrong. There are several reasons why your cat may be lying in the litter box, and some of the reasons may be causes for...
Can cats eat apples?

Can cats eat apples?

Apples are popular late summer and early fall staples, and during these times of the year, it’s common to see the fruit everywhere. If you see your pet kitty reaching out for a bite or if you want to give an apple as a treat for your feline friend, you might...
Can cats eat blueberries?

Can cats eat blueberries?

Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, they can! If you’ve been wondering whether it’s safe to feed your cat a berry or two, then the answer is yes, cats can eat blueberries but in small amounts. Cats can be picky eaters, and certain food items can also be toxic...
Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Watering?

Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Watering?

A variety of reasons cause watery eyes in cats. Like humans, a cat can react to allergens, or it could also signify something more serious. If you’re worried about your cat’s watery eyes, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article,...

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