Can Cats Eat Eggs – Good or Bad

Can Cats Eat Eggs – Good or Bad

Cats are obligate carnivores and if you’re thinking of adding variety to your cat’s commercial food diet, then you might be wondering what kinds of human food would be a great cat treat. One of the best sources of protein for humans are eggs. They’re easy to cook,...
Can Cats Eat Chocolate? Is it Toxic…

Can Cats Eat Chocolate? Is it Toxic…

Humans love chocolate and chances are, every household has some form of chocolate in the kitchen, pantry, or fridge. Be it a chocolate drink, chocolate chips, chocolate bar, or chocolate cookies.It is common for dogs to devour all kinds of food, chocolate included,...
Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

There may be times when you want your cat to take a break from eating commercial cat food. In such instances, giving her human foods as treats may be a good idea. The occasional crackers, or maybe a slice of banana, or a bite of a strawberry maybe what we have in mind...
Can Cats Eat Grapes?

Can Cats Eat Grapes?

Grapes are healthy snacks for humans and they bring about a healthy dose of nutrients and health benefits. One of which is lowering blood sugar levels, providing the body with Vitamins C and K, and providing antioxidant properties. Pet parents love giving their...
Can Cats Eat Rice?

Can Cats Eat Rice?

Rice is a staple in most households. It’s cheap, it’s easy to store, and pretty much compatible with other food items. As cat parents, it’s tempting to feed our cats with human foods that we enjoy ourselves. So the question is, can cats eat rice? The answer to this is...

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