JustAnswer Review
Ask a Vet. Get Veterinary Questions Answered.
Helped 9 million people
196 countries
A+ rating with BBB
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In times like these, online vet consultations are heaven-sent. And that is what JustAnswer is all about. JustAnswer connects you to veterinarians online, and you can ask them questions for a certain fee.
Whether it’s a simple behavioral issue, your cat is suddenly vomiting, or you’re not sure if you should change its diet, JustAnswer can connect you with a vet any time of the day.
In this JustAnswer review, we’ll talk about what it is, how it works, and whether or not you should give it a try.
About the Company
They started in 2013 and, since then, have had over 10 million subscribers over the years. It’s a membership-based service where you need to register, and you will be charged each month for the service. If you want to try it out and not make the commitment yet, you can register for the free trial, which runs for seven days, or pay the fee for each question you ask.
How Does It Work?
So how does JustAnswer work? Let’s break it down to the features, pros, and cons.
Who Are The Experts?
JustAnswer welcomes licensed vets to become service providers to their service platform. As soon as a licensed vet applies, they go through an 8-step verification process, plus a 3rd party screening and training.
According to the company, experts must meet specific requirements, such as recognized credentials in their field, a professional license, years of experience, and the confirmation of their identity.
Once they are approved to answer questions on all veterinary-related issues, they are subjected to peer reviews, customer ratings, and secret shoppers. All veterinarian JustAnswer profiles come with their credentials, as well as their customer ratings and reviews.
Customers can rest assured that whoever answers their questions is an actual professional and licensed to provide veterinary advice.
Key Features
Here are some of the critical features of JustAnswer:
24/7 Service
Available on All Android or iOS Devices
Offered Through Chat, Email, or Phone Calls
Fast Response and Unlimited Chat Until You Get Your Answer
Free Second Opinion from Another Expert
Pros and Cons
JustAnswer has rave reviews from its members and customers, but it does have a few caveats. Here are some of its pros and cons:
Chat with a Veterinarian, 24/7!
- 24/7 services mean whatever medical emergency you may have with your cat; you have the peace of mind that you can contact a licensed vet anytime and anywhere you are as long as you have an internet connection.
- The mobile app is user-friendly, and anyone can learn how to use it even if it’s the first time you open the app.
- JustAnswer only accepts licensed vets that go through the company’s verification process. You can see the expert’s actual ratings and review them on their profile to assure you’re talking to a real expert.
- Membership fees are much cheaper than going to an actual veterinary clinic for consultation.
- You have access to a licensed vet from the comforts of your own home, wherever you are.
- JustAnswer vet reviews are primarily positive from verified users.
- Licensed vets can’t give prescription medicine since the service is for informational purposes only. They also can’t make a formal diagnosis. So if you need to have a prescription refilled or want a medical emergency resolved, you would still need to go to a veterinary clinic or emergency room.
- Sometimes, response time takes longer than expected. The average response time is 6 minutes, but sometimes, it can take 15 minutes, and issues get resolved longer, with some users saying they got their answer after 30 minutes.
- Some users report canceling your membership is tricky, with most people reporting having to contact customer service to cancel their membership successfully.
How Much Does it Cost?
If you don’t want to make the full commitment to subscribe to a membership, you can avail of the company’s 7-day free trial period. Sign up and pay $1, and for seven days, you get to enjoy unlimited chat sessions with verified experts.
After the 7-day trial, you will be charged the monthly membership fee of $74, but some users also reported being charged $50.
If you don’t want to subscribe to a monthly membership, you can also use the online service by paying $5 for each question you ask. There’s also an added fee if you want a phone call instead of chat, text, or email.
How to Cancel
JustAnswer will automatically charge you for the total membership fee once your trial period is done, so if you wish to cancel, you need to do it before the 7th day. Here is how you can cancel your membership from JustAnswer:
Step 1
Click “My Account” found on the right corner of the screen.
Step 2
Step 3
Chat with a Veterinarian, 24/7!
JustAnswer’s veterinary services are a life-saver for many pet owners. There are instances when health, medical, or behavioral issues happen unexpectedly, and access to a licensed vet may be impossible. If you want answers in minutes, or you need to talk to a vet right away, JustAnswer connects you to a licensed vet in as little as 6 minutes.
Though there are limitations, such as the inability to have a video call, failure to receive a diagnosis or prescription, and internet issues, it’s a convenient and affordable online service that gives cat owners relief and peace of mind.