cat eating blueberries

Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, they can!

If you’ve been wondering whether it’s safe to feed your cat a berry or two, then the answer is yes, cats can eat blueberries but in small amounts.

Cats can be picky eaters, and certain food items can also be toxic for them to eat, which means you need to be careful when feeding human food to your cats.

In this guide, you’ll find whether blueberries are bad for your cats and how much you can feed them daily.

Can Cats Eat Blueberries?

Cats are obligate carnivores and get their nutritional needs met by eating animal products. However, some fruits, particularly blueberries, are safe for cats to eat.

Blueberries are considered superfruits because they are densely packed with nutrition. They contain potassium, Vitamin C, and plenty of antioxidants. It’s a highly nutritious fruit for humans; however, cats digest and process blueberries differently.

Because their digestive systems are naturally designed to process meat only, they don’t get the same nutritional benefits as blueberries. At best, cats can benefit from the antioxidants, fiber, and water content in blueberries, but not from its rich content of vitamins and minerals.

Related: Cat Vitamins and Supplements

Are Blueberries Safe for Cats to Eat?

Blueberries are completely safe for cats to eat. So if your cat accidentally swallowed a whole berry or two, there’s no need to worry.

Some cat foods even contain blueberry powder due to its high fiber and water content, which is helpful for cats, especially those that may be suffering from constipation.

Related: 10 Foods that are bad for your cat

Will My Cat Like Blueberries?

Because cats are carnivorous, they don’t have the taste receptors for sweet flavors, which means they won’t like blueberries for their sweet taste but rather for their texture.

Cats are neophilia, which means they love trying new tastes and textures. If it’s going to be your cat’s first time to nibble on some blueberries, chances are, they’d excitedly munch on a few pieces because they’re naturally curious.

Because blueberries are juicy and moist, you may find your cat munching on more than a few pieces. However, if your cat doesn’t like them, there’s also no need to worry, as cats have different tastes and preferences.

How Many Blueberries Can I Feed My Cat?

Cats must get their nutritional needs from meat, which means blueberries should not be used as a meal replacement. Giving your pet kitty 2 or 3 blueberries a day is enough, but nothing more.

Fruits have high sugar content, and cats are prone to feline diabetes. Therefore, it must be essential to monitor your cat’s blueberry consumption, as prolonged and long-term high blood sugar levels can cause several health issues. Here are some symptoms of feline diabetes to watch out for:

  • Excessive thirst
  • Lack of appetite
  • Frequent urination
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Reduced energy levels

Blueberries can also cause digestive issues in your cats. If your cat is suddenly vomiting, defecating more than usual, suffering from an upset stomach, or frequent gas, you might want to remove the fruit from its diet and observe. If symptoms persist for more than 24 hours, bring your cat to the vet.

Here’s How You Can Introduce Blueberries to Your Cat

If you want to give your cat blueberries for a treat now and then, here is how you can introduce the fruit to its diet:

1. Wash the blueberries to remove dirt and residue from pesticides.
2. Cut the blueberries in half to reveal the texture and moisture.
3. Mash the blueberries to create a paste.
4. Place on top of your cat’s wet or dry food.

You can also give your cat one or two whole blueberries as a treat.

While it may be tempting to give blueberries to your cat each time your kitty asks for it, you must remember that fruits and non-meat food shouldn’t usually be a part of your cat’s diet. According to the University of Missouri Small Animal Clinical Nutrition Service, the simplest and most convenient way to meet your cat’s nutritional requirements is to provide them with a complete and balanced commercial diet.

Cat’s don’t need to eat fruits or vegetables, but if you want to give them blueberries as a treat, then it’s completely safe.


Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, it’s completely safe for cats to eat blueberries. They can benefit from the high antioxidant content in the fruit, as well as the high fiber and water content.

However, it must be noted that cats are obligate carnivores and don’t need fruits and vegetables in their diet. Cats get their nutritional needs from animal products, so blueberries must only be given occasionally, and no more than 2 to 3 whole berries in a day.

And if your cat doesn’t eat one, that’s completely okay, too.


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