is turmeric safe for cats

Turmeric is a super spice that’s being used in many applications such as in cooking and herbal medicine. Also known as “yellow root,” or “golden spice,” it is one of the oldest spices in the world and used for thousands of years in Indian and Chinese medicine. In fact, it is one of the most used spices in Ayurvedic medicine, which is known to be 4000 years old and considered the oldest holistic healing system.

Humans use it for its myriad of health benefits brought about by their properties. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory remedy, an antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antiseptic, and it’s also an astringent.

If you’re a cat parent, you might be wondering if you can feed it to your cat, too. If your cat is suffering from certain diseases or ailments, such as cancer, liver disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or an irritable bowel syndrome, can you use it on your cat to relieve symptoms, and possibly treat conditions?

The answer is yes.

What is Turmeric?

Before we begin to discuss how turmeric can help cats, let’s discuss what turmeric is first and foremost.

Turmeric is an herb or spice that comes from the ginger family. In fact, it looks like ginger but when you slice it open, its contents are yellow.

is turmeric good for cats

The yellow color of turmeric is brought about by a phytochemical called curcumin. This is a powerful biological compound that fights against inflammation, microbes, bacteria, cancer cells, and oxidation. This is the major active ingredient in turmeric that gives it its immense healing properties.

You can find many cat supplements in the market labeled as “curcumin” or “turmeric,” but essentially, they contain the very same compound.

If your cat is suffering from cancer, arthritis, skin problems, or any kind of inflammation in the body, then turmeric will do wonders for her health. It is also known to boost the immune system.

Health Benefits for Cats

In the same way that it helps humans with a variety of different health conditions, it also brings about a myriad of health benefits for your feline friend.

Because if its properties, turmeric can provide the following:

  • Aid in gut bacterial infections
  • Relieves pain and symptoms of arthritis
  • Improves joint health
  • Improves heart and circulatory function
  • Enhances the overall function of the pancreas, spleen, and liver
  • Relieves skin problems

Turmeric for cats can also help them fight cancer, improve digestion, and help support cardiovascular health.

If your cat is suffering from kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, bodyweight issues, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, skin cancers, and other health problems related to inflammation, then feeding her turmeric is a good idea.

How to Feed Turmeric to Your Cat

Before you introduce anything new to your cat’s diet, it’s always a great idea to consult your veterinarian first or have a chat with a vet right now. He or she will know if it’s okay to give turmeric to your cat.

While turmeric is an all-natural remedy, it does come with its own side effects. These are minor, however, and are usually transient. Some cats may experience these side effects and some cats may not.

Some of these side effects include:

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Gastrointestinal upset
  • Vomiting

If your vet gives a go signal, you can ask for a recommendation for a turmeric or curcumin supplementation readily available in the market.

Or, you can also make your very own homemade “Golden Paste,” which has become a popular means of feeding turmeric to cats.

ask a veterinarian

How to Make Your Homemade Golden Paste

Golden Paste: natural anti inflammatory for cats

Golden Paste is a mixture of turmeric powder, coconut oil, and black pepper. This paste can be added to your cat’s food (dry or wet), given directly, or mixed in with drinks.

Now, you might be asking the question, why not feed my cat plain turmeric powder? Why do I have to make a paste?

Well, turmeric alone will not be easily absorbed by your cat’s body because its bioavailability is very low. You can feed your cat turmeric all day long but only a small percentage will go into her bloodstream.

Cat owners who feed plain turmeric powder to their cat may wonder why it hasn’t taken any effect. This is because turmeric needs other ingredients to make it easily metabolized and absorbed by the body.

And to top it all of, it is processed in the liver before it is sent into the bloodstream. And guess what? The liver tries to get rid of it!

Thus the need to mix it with coconut oil and black pepper.

1. Black pepper increases the bioavailability of turmeric and increases intestinal absorption. It also increases enzyme secretions of the pancreas, aiding indigestion.

2. Coconut oil, on the other hand, helps the body absorb the turmeric and brings it directly to the bloodstream, bypassing the liver through the lymphatic system.

The combination of coconut oil and black pepper makes turmeric effective in making sure its anti-inflammatory properties and other benefits are fully enjoyed by your cat’s body.

You can start feeding Golden Paste to your cat by mixing 1 teaspoon to her food or drink and given two to three times a day.

The Bottom Line

Turmeric is great for cats because of their healing properties. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, antibacterial, analgesic, antiseptic, anti-cancer, and helps improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

When your cat is suffering from ailments caused by inflammation, bacteria, or parasites such as tapeworms, organic turmeric supplements, or frequent ingestion of Golden Paste can help relieve your cat from pain and discomfort.


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