cream persian cat


A short record of Persian Cats is viable; however, a detailed history of these Cats is still unclear. It is thought that Persian Cats are the direct descendants of wild Cats. The DNA of these Persian Cats has a strong resemblance to the Wild Cats (take DNA Test). It is an established fact that these Persian Cats were originally found in a plateau; near present-day Turkey. This is the reason their coat is fluffier and thicker.

Body type

The body type of a Cream Persian cat is typical. The eyes are large, the nose is quite short and the ears are round with tufts on them. The paws happen to be large and the tail short. On the whole, the body structure is sturdy. It should not be forgotten that the forehead of the cat happens to be broad.


The coat of this cat is glossy and curly; it needs to be taken proper care of.

Colors and Patterns

This small feline has many hues. The prominent ones are black, lilac, off white and pure white. This breed of cats is longhair cats and needs proper grooming.


This breed is of medium size and Persian kittens are even tinier. Cream Persian cats are medium-sized cats.

Average life span

Their life span is a little over 10 years. Though, there have been cases where they have known to survive well over 12 years.


These Persian cats are rolly- polly and their short stubby legs apt for their stature. Their fluffy coat gives then a larger than life appearance. They have large eyes; which can be hypnotic at times.

Looking into Persian cats eyes one is reminded of the saying “a cat has nine lives” For one thing the head of this cat much larger than that of a normal cat.

blue cream persian cat


The history of the Persian cat is not clear. It is believed that it was bred in early Europe; somewhere around the 19th century. From this point on there seems to be no authentic proof about its lineage. This Persian breed of cat vibes well with the children of the family and makes an excellent playmate. The bottom line is that it is very tolerant with humans.


The thing which is eye-catching about a Persian cat is its large head; which is certainly much bigger than the average small feline. Since the head is large the eyes are also considerably larger than the other breeds of small felines.

Traits, personality, and behavior

Personality and trait wise; these cats are peace-loving. They happen to be a living work of art by the all-pervading one. They enhance the decor of your home in every sense of the word.

Learn how to take care of a cat!

Physical development

These breeds of small felines are on most occasions confined indoors. Being a pet owner; you should inculcate this habit in your cat; as you are the one who would groom it and you certainly do not want to undergo the tedious job remove ticks and fleas later on.

Looking after

These cats need grooming all the time as their stature and appearance are such. Further, their hair is such that it needs shampooing and washing on a regular basis. Since, they are so dainty; their nails also need to be clipped from time to time.

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