scottish fold cat


Scottish fold cat (The Folded Ear Cat) was first discovered by William Ross a Shepard in a farm located in Tayside region Scotland. This breed was recognized by Cat Fanciers Association in 1978.

Body type

Scottish breed are often cross-bred with American and British shorthair cats but don’t have the same massive structure. Cute Scottish fold are medium-sized cats with a round tubular well-padded body that appears to be more massive because of its thick coat. They have a body with well defined gentle curves.


Scottish fold cats have short dense silky coats.


Scottish fold cats come in variety of colors and patterns the common solid colors being chocolate, lavender, black, red, cream, blue, blue-cream or blue-silver and white. These Scottish fold cats also come in Himalayan pattern or a hybrid of both the colors. Scottish breed are also available as shaded silver or golden chinchilla. Scottish fold cats are also available as bi-color or calicos.


These are mid-sized domestic cats that appear to be massive because of their silky short dense coat. Adult Scottish fold male may weight from 9-13 pounds whereas females are lighter and weight 6-9 pounds.

Average life span

Scottish fold cats have an average life span of about 16 years.


Scottish fold ears are ones which catches the fancy of Scottish fold cat breed lovers. The Scottish fold ears are generally folded downward or forward which gives this cat the appearance of an owl or a teddy bear.

The Scottish breed took long time to be accepted by cat lovers as their strange ears gave the impression that they can be more prone to infections and deafness. The Scottish fold was later exported to American and bred with short hair cats. Because of there amazing loving nature, these cats are extremely popular companions.

scottish fold


The first Scottish fold cat was given birth by a white-colored barn cat by the name of Susie. This cat was found in a farm near Coupar Angus in Scotland. Susie had a strange fold in the center of her ear giving the cat a strange resemblance to the owl.

Susie produced two Scottish kittens with folded ear one of which was taken by cat fancier William Ross who then started Scottish fold breeding producing 72 cats in the first year out of which 42 had folded ears. A general observation made by Ross was that by mating one of the cats with folded ear with a straight ear cat will always produce Scottish kittens with folded ears.


Scottish breed is known for its owl-like appearance because of distinctive folded Scottish fold ears. The small tightly forward or downward folded ears sit on a round head. These cats have large round eyes, small nose, and round whisker pads giving these mid-sized cats a round appearance. These cats come in variety of colors and patterns and could have short hair or long hair coat.

Traits, personality, and behavior

Scottish fold cats are loyal breeds that adapt themselves easily to the home and other pets. These placid, good-natured companions are soft-spoken and very playful. A typical Scottish fold personality trait is that these cats sleep on their back in what is known as a “buta” position.

Learn how to take care of a cat!

These undemanding cats make ideal companions in the noisy household as they don’t panic around children or dogs in the house.

Physical development

All Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears which begin to fold in around 11-12th weeks. Original Scottish breed had only one fold in their ears but with selective breeding now Scottish fold kittens are produced with two or three ear folds.

Looking after

Scottish fold cats require proper nutrition and a clean environment to stay. Regular cleaning of their ears is required as they are more prone to wax deposits.

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