Cat Care Articles

Can cats eat blueberries?

Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, they can! If you've been wondering whether it's safe to feed your cat a berry or two, then the answer is yes, cats can eat blueberries but in small amounts. Cats can be picky eaters, and certain food items can also be toxic for them to...

Why Are My Cat’s Eyes Watering?

A variety of reasons cause watery eyes in cats. Like humans, a cat can react to allergens, or it could also signify something more serious. If you're worried about your cat's watery eyes, then you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll take a look at some...

How much wet food to feed a cat every day

If you're a new cat parent or trying to change your cat's food, one of the biggest questions you might have is how much wet food to feed your cat. Ideally, your cat's diet should consist of 100% wet food, but this might be impossible for many cat owners, and...

Is clay litter bad for cats? The truth about clay litter

For a long time, cat clay litter was the norm. It's cheap, readily available, and effectively does its job. Unfortunately, vets and cat parents have discovered over the years that cat clay litter causes a host of health problems for our feline friends. And that's not...
Can cats eat apples?

Can cats eat apples?

Apples are popular late summer and early fall staples, and during these times of the year, it's common to see the...

Can cats eat blueberries?

Can cats eat blueberries?

Can cats eat blueberries? Yes, they can! If you've been wondering whether it's safe to feed your cat a berry or two,...