Origin The first tortoiseshell Persian was registered by Mrs. F Thomkins in London in the year 1908 and is believed to...
Cat Breeds Articles
Maine Coon
Origin The state of Maine; is famous for the Maine coon breed of felines. Incidentally, it happens to be the oldest...
Cream British Shorthair
Origin This breed of cats originated in Rome and is a descendant of the cats brought from Great Britain. These cream...
Himalayan Cat
Origin The Himalayan cat is renowned and discreet. They were bred experimentally in the US and England; way back in...
Balinese Cat
OriginBelieved to have been originated from the traditional Siamese cats, traditional Balinese are considered to be...
Egyptian Mau
OriginNathalie Troubetskoy; the exiled Russian Princess brought the Egyptian Mau kittens to the United States in the...
Siamese Cat
Origin Believed to have been originated from the famous temple cats of Siam (Thailand) these mesmerizing cats have...
Scottish Fold
Origin Scottish fold cat (The Folded Ear Cat) was first discovered by William Ross a Shepard in a farm located in...
Birman Cat
Origin Birman cats are believed to have originated in the Asian country Burma. It is believed that these Birman cats...
Russian Blue Cat
OriginThere are many stories floating around about Russian blue cats. Believed to have been originated from Archangel...
Red Self Cat
OriginRed self cats are nothing but the red tabbies or red long hair cats. It is therefore next to impossible to find...
Black Shorthair Cat
OriginBlack shorthair cats are descendants of British shorthair cats. British shorthair cats are the crossbreeds of...